The Council of Caribbean Organizations of Manitoba
The Council of Caribbean Organizations of Manitoba
In 2022 the Government of Manitoba officially proclaimed the month of July as Caribbean Heritage Month in Manitoba. This provides a new avenue for Caribbean culture to be demonstrated and shared throughout the wider community.
The opening event will be July 1st, 2024 with other events throughout the month. A Calendar of Events is attached for your convenience.
Your support has always been key to our organization’s ability to serve our community’s goals and such support at this time would be of great assistance. Any contribution you can make by way of a donation either monetary or items towards the dinner including baking would be very much appreciated and go a long way towards making this a successful event for us all.
Your support will make a powerful difference in accomplishing our goal of making this inaugural Caribbean Heritage Month in Winnipeg a success and something we can all be proud of.
Lance Brenna, President
Council of Caribbean Organizations of Manitoba Inc.