Highlights From The 57th Anniversary of Independence of Guyana Banquet

The 57th Anniversary of Independence of Guyana Banquet held on May 28, 2023 at Canad Inns – Polo Park, 1405 St Matthews Ave, Winnipeg.

The opening was launched with the introduction of the MC the young Donovan Martin Jnr., who is as versed in the colloquiums of Guyana as he is in the modern day culture of Canada. Keith George the High Commissioner of Guyana brought Greetings via video presentation.

Dr. Sandra Sukhan the Honorary Council of Guyana to Manitoba also brought greetings and honored the lives of the 19 children who lose their lives in a tragic fire in Guyana. Andrew Smith, the government rep also brought greetings on behalf of the Manitoba government.

The highlight of the evening was the Guest Speaker Rev. Dr. Brian Archer. 20 yrs with MB Hydro, an ordained pastor, who believes in continuous learning and in giving back to ones country. He took a stroll down memory lane reminiscing on growing up in the beautiful land of many waters, Guyana. He invited all fellow Guyanese to honor their legacy and to be proud of their heritage. He named some of the many resources of the country such as bauxite, gold, timber, natural gas, oil and the many acres of unconquered rainforest. He implore that there exist a legacy to follow, to preserve, to carry on.

He referred to Guyana of the land of 6 races. He attributes the tenancy of Guyanese to being taught uncompromising principles by their parents and elders which were enforce by what he called the “Top Up”. …A terminology, which brought many cheers and smiles from fellow Guyanese in the audience.

One of these bedrock principles was education. He quoted James 5:1. “….The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” He attests to the parent’s strong belief and enforcement of these principles so that their children can achieve. He gave thanks to all parents and elders for their confidence, suffering, wisdom, restraint, council for their sacrifice. “You raised me up so I can move mountains”…. He attributes the foundational principles has molded him and all Guyanese into who they are today. He attests they were raised to be overcomers.

The word love was rarely used but growing up as children they felt special, highly appreciated, cared for. While the outward expression of love was not displayed, it was never missed. He continues, we never had the need for it! In his memory there was happiness, satisfaction, and memories of joyful entertainment received from family, neighbors and other members of the community.

Again he urged all Guyanese and us to continue to embrace who we are and where we came from. Honor our humble beginnings. For it is what has molded us into whom and what we are today.

Honorees of the event were:

    • Rev. Dr. Brian Archer; for his contribution to the community.
    • Devon Camron for his significant work in the Computer for Schools program.
    • And Dominic King for his contribution in his field of studies in Physiotherapy and Athletic Studies.
    The evening was closed out with musical entertainment of DJ. Todd.

    2 thoughts on “Highlights From The 57th Anniversary of Independence of Guyana Banquet”

    1. I attended this event and had a very enjoyable time my table companions also added to the fun. I was very young when my family left Guyana but I was still able to relate to stories shared by the guest speaker.

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